
Ten cheap games for cheap cheapskates

The always-entertaining retrogaming site Racketboy has just posted a feature that, while only a little retro (seriously, is last year retro now?) serves our interests nicely. This is especially relevant as the holidays approach and we all want to give meaningful gifts while retaining meaningful bank balances.

They've posted a list of ten great DS games that you can get for $15 or less. You may have to do some hunting for a sub-$15 copy of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, or any copy of Scurge: Hive, but handy Amazon and eBay links are provided to assist you. In our opinion, a system can only be really good once the AAA titles start hitting sub-budget prices, and that is exactly what is being illustrated by this article. Great games in diverse genres at a fraction of the ridiculous price of a new next-gen game.