
2K to toss their own boxing game into the ring

Looks like Wii Sports: Boxing and Victorious Boxers aren't going to be the only sources for some boxing action on the Wii, as 2K Sports is set to bring Don King Presents: Prizefighter to the Wii. Venom Games will be taking up development duties. You might remember them from other boxing games Rocky and Rocky Legends.

Don King had a couple of things to say regarding the game, stating "In all my years working in professional boxing, I have never seen anything come as close to recreating the thrill, the intensity, the courage and the spectacle of the sport." He goes on further to say it is "more than a game -- it is a glimpse at what life is like in and out of the ring for these incredible athletes."

The game is currently slated for a release of spring 2008.

[Via Joystiq]