
Nominate your favorite Second Life newbie to receive 10,000L

Do you know someone completely new to Second Life? One of the very first questions the newbie asks is 'How do I make money?' Well, your favorite newbie can receive 10,000L from Ecstacy Realty in a new contest, who appear to be quite into paying it forward. Cynical types will call it mere marketing, but 10,000L is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you're a new resident.

What can you do with ten grand? You can shop for a new outfit and skin, which is one of the things that keeps the new player from blending in with established residents. You can sell your prize money for $34.97, at current market prices. Or, you could play Santa Claus and just wander the world dropping loot on random people, which will assuredly establish some kind of reputation for yourself.

If you know someone deserving, you can go to this thread to nominate them. There's no one nominated there yet, but there's also no displayed deadline, so I suppose that evens out.

[Thanks, Steve!]