
Pear Light lets you bask in the glow of radioactive fruit

Those looking to take advantage of some of the benefits of LED lighting while also adding a bit of eye-catching decor to their living room may do well to try to get their hands on designer Nick Foley's so-called "Pear Light," which appears to be as versatile as it is unnerving. Giving those pears their slightly radioactive glow is ten ultra bright LEDs, which light up whenever they're attached to the tree using some always handy rare earth magnets. What's more, the pears will also hold a charge for an hour or so after they're "picked," which should at least make for an interesting addition to any fruit bowl. No word if this is a one-off or not, but as Inhabitat points out, if it is available, you can bet it won't come cheap.

[Via Inhabitat]