
Around Azeroth: Do you believe this is Desolace?

Where would you guess this beautifully lush landscape was located? Would you believe in the very heart of grey, dismal Desolace? If you find that hard to believe, you've probably never ventured very far into Maraudon (and I can understand why you wouldn't bother -- completing the dungeon requires a marathon play session), as the heart of the instance is all tranquil pastel colors and luminous waterfalls. Pyrana of Scarlet Crusade sent this shot in, noting, "I've never seen such serene visuals anywhere else in the game."

Do you have any images of equally serene parts of the game world? We want to hear your stories (and see them!) on Around Azeroth! Sharing your screenshot is as simple as e-mailing with a copy of your shot and a brief explanation of the scene. You could be featured here next!
