
PS Fanboy Best of 2007: Best Action/Adventure Game

Stay tuned all this week as we reveal the our nominees for the very best games of 2007. Winners will be declared on December 27th.

Once, the folk of PS3 Fanboy talked about the evolution of the Action/Adventure genre. The genre had some sweet titles back in the 2D era, but once polygons entered the picture, the initial results were quite ugly and gameplay was basic at best. Years passed and now Action/Adventure games deliver exciting, adrenaline-pumping experiences that can only be topped by trying to go on these adventures yourself and most assuredly meeting your end. The PS3 got a handful of excellent A/A titles this year and it's time for them to get some attention.

The nominees for PS3 Fanboy - Best Action/Adventure Game are ...

Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Team Ninja | Tecmo

Is it really okay to consider a game twice remade? We think so, because the changes made in Sigma make this the absolute greatest rendition of Ninja Gaiden, originally appearing back on the XBox. The action is intense with a wide variety of weapons and throws you across a plethora of locales that ultimately link together in some strange Resident Evil way. The moves are stylish and the satisfaction of clearing an area is difficult to ignore. Some say it's more difficult than other games, but really, if you remain calm and understand patterns, the game is no more difficult than you let it be.


Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Insomniac Games | Sony Computer Entertainment

Dazzling weapons, cute weapons, destructive weapons, and completely silly weapons abound in Ratchet and Clank. This iteration of the franchise is no exception, boasting a few new weapons to stick up your arsenal (longtime fans, can we get a high five for that amazingly clever reference?) and enjoy across the worlds you'll travel. Then again, if you don't think turning enemies into penguins and then forcing them to dance as you whack them with a wrench is fun, you really should go back to playing with a cardboard box. Obviously nothing will ever entertain you.


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Naughty Dog | Sony Computer Entertainment

We know, the cover system is quite familiar to those who've played Gears of War, but the enemies in Uncharted are far and away the most wicked villains we've ever tackled. Flanking you, attacking you from all sides, finding any possible route to screw you over made every gun fight in the very intense and very cinematic. The story may carry you from level to level, but the rooms of puzzles and rooms of battle in Uncharted combine to give you one of the most enjoyable gameplay experiences available on the PS3.


Stay tuned to PS3 Fanboy on December 27th for the winners. Best of 2007 image based off of work from Studio469.