
Oneechanbara Screenshot Revolution

An exciting innovation from D3 can be found on the Oneechanbara Revolution website: screenshots that take a really damn long time to load! Also they move or something. Apparently the "Revolution" in the game's title refers to the range of movement in the promotional screens.

D3 has updated the website with two "3D Screenshots" -- images whose perspective can be changed by moving the mouse, allowing for a 3D view of the game. It's basically like those QTVR panoramas that, five years ago, everybody thought would be important right now. Except important, because they're about video games.

Of course, we hate to say it, but Oneechanbara isn't necessarily the best subject for high-tech screenshot technology. From pretty much any angle, all there is to see is gooey blood and zombie chunks.

[Via Siliconera]