
Gearbox kind of talks about Samba maraca controls

Kotaku's Brian Ashcraft interviewed Gearbox Software's Randy Pitchford about their upcoming games for 2008, which include a bunch of shooters or whatever and also Samba de Amigo! Apparently Pitchford and the rest of the Gearbox folks approached Sega, hat in collective hand, begging to be allowed to create a version of the festive rhythm game for the Wii. "We totally told SEGA they had to let us do it. People want a Samba Wii game," Pitchford said, answering the question of why the developers of Brothers in Arms got assigned to a very Japanese rhythm game for the Wii.

Pitchford briefly, and obliquely, broached the topic of potential dual-Wiimote maraca controls, which everyone talks about in relation to a Wii Samba. In a blanket statement about both the Wiimote/Nunchuk maraca scheme and the possibility of a dual-Wiimote scheme, Pitchford said "It's possible. You just need a lot of smart people who can do a lot of math." Like computer programmers, maybe?

At least we know that the idea has been brought up at Gearbox. We'd like to see as many control schemes implemented as can be.