
Cocoa developer time-saver: SparkleZip 1.1

Sparkle is an open-source module for Cocoa that allows developers to add that cool "Check for Updates" and auto-install feature with relative ease; it's used by some of our favorite applications. If you already knew that, then you might be part of the small but important group of people who would be interested in SparkleZip.

SparkleZip is a free utility with a very self-explanatory name. Drag your application onto its icon and it will read your CFBundleVersion and generate a properly named zip file, ready for appcasting. It's a few seconds shaved off of release time and a great way to prevent mishaps, given that the current version of Sparkle is not overly forgiving once an appcast is published. Meanwhile, those seconds you just saved can go towards working on your next release which, by the way, we heard was going to be awesome.

Update: Due to an editing error, the post originally implied that TextMate is a Sparkle-enabled application. Although it's listed among the apps on the Sparkle wiki, Allan has said that he does not use Sparkle to handle TextMate updates. Our apologies for the mixup.