
Rumor: Boogie Bunnies to hop onto XBLA soon

We've been waiting to play Boogie Bunnies for a long while ever since it was announced this Summer. The game's colorful, bouncing, little bunnies are so damn adorable that we can't help but get a little excited. And our excitement-ometer has reached new highs with a reference to the game's release being posted on

This week over on the GB version of, they've posted a feature article titled "Rabbits in your Headlights!" where they talk about how wicked cool Boogie Bunnies is and how it's played. Now here's where it gets juicy. At the very bottom of the article you'll notice that it says "Boogie Bunnies is available from LIVE Arcade now for just 800 MS Points". Available now? Upon reading that we frantically jumped online to sift through the XBLA games list to find some bunnies, but sadly none were found. So, we conclude that the game is supposed to release relatively soon. Could it be a special release alongside Metal Slug 3 this week? Could Boogie Bunnies be releasing the following week? Nobody is sure, but we're confident that our adorable bunny fun isn't too far off. Bring on the bunnies!

[Thanks, Hooligunn]