
Mogopop iPod content publishing community releases Macworld 07 guide

Mogopop is a content publishing community that publishes everything in an iPod-friendly format. From their own explanation: "Mogopop rolls your video, audio, pictures and text into a single piece of iPod content that anyone can download." Anyone can sign up to publish content, and while most items, AFAIK, are free to download, you need to use their Mogopop Manager software to manage the content on your iPod. To be clear, however: this Manager app works *with* iTunes, and does not interfere with your main library of music, videos and games.

Also of note at mogopop is a recently-released Macworld 07 Unofficial Guide, ripe for bringing along on everyone's favorite DAP just in case you don't snag enough maps, guides and directories at the Macworld event itself. The guide lists exhibitors, featured presentation schedules, keynote info, restaurants and - of course - obligatory speculation of what we might see released this year.