
Blizzard developer says WoW unlikely for consoles

Pro-G caught up with Blizzard game designer Jonathan LeCraft, and got a little bit of an interview out of him (they promise a full-length interview on Thursday). The interesting bits:

  • "You really do need a keyboard to play WoW"

  • Wii-controlled WoW "got to be pretty easy to PvP against"

  • WoW on consoles not in the plans, although they do keep it "on the radar"

  • Blizzard has the "capacity" for another MMO, possibly in a different license (if you're reading this, blue: Diablo MMO plz)

Do you think there is any way WoW could work without a keyboard? I don't really see it happening myself. And what MMO would you most like to see Blizzard come out with next?