
PS3 price increase in Canada?!

On Thursday we reported about reasonably priced Xbox 360s for Canadia's Fanboys. While comments gave mixed reviews regarding Factory Direct's customer service and product quality, that doesn't hold a candle to the latest deal ripoff from the competition. As if the whole "PGR: HD" ordeal wasn't enough, Sony figured a price change was in order for their "Friends to the North". Future Shop, as well as its owner Best Buy, are bothselling the 60GB PS3 for $699.99 CDN, which is $50 more than the list price was on November 17th. Why would Sony, or perhaps the retailers themselves, do this? The Canadian Dollar has been doing fine in terms of exchange rate next the American Dollar, recently. In any case, this isn't the best way to sell an already overpriced console. If Sony keeps at it with these missteps, do you think the PS3 will be able to recover?

[Thanks, Miguel]