
Joystiq Podcast 001 - The Dreamcast

It's been a long time coming, but we're finally ready to introduce the Joystiq Podcast (clever name, eh?). In addition to covering the important news of the week, we'll be inviting guests on (from writers to podcasters to industry folk to ... you), all while fighting back the legions of fans in love with our dreamy verbal agility. Yup, we're dreamy. Just like Bill.

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Hosts: Christopher Grant and Ludwig Kietzmann

Music: Mega Man II 'Project X 2 (TitleScreen)'

0:01:20 - The new comment system and photo galleries
0:08:35 - The Virtua Fighter 5 "scandal"
0:11:50 - Windows Vista officially launches
0:16:30 - Super Columbine Massacre RPG at Slamdance and elsewhere
0:21:55 - Capcom snubbed by AIAS
0:27:15 - Sam & Max coming to Wii?
0:41:19 - Crackdown demo on XBLM
0:45:28 - GTA San Andreas #1 in Japan
0:48:38 - Capcom spent $40mil on Lost Planet
0:52:31 - Mass Effect release date spotted on official Xbox site
0:57:10 - Nvidia says graphics matter. No, really.
1:03:50 - Konami's Gamer Day announcements ...