
2.0.7 and beyond for Warriors

The resilience changes in the 2.0.7 patch notes may have some consequences for Warriors. To sum up, 2.0.7 is making it so that crits that are converted into regular hits by resilience will still trigger abilities that would be triggered by crits. This includes, notably, Enrage, which I'm already coming to rely on for my Warrior alt. The change makes it so that you don't have to worry about resilience nerfing your Enrage (and other such skills), basically. Quoth Tseric:

  • In case you hadn't, there is a general change in 2.0.7 which has more relevance to Warriors than other classes.

    This applies to those Warriors who may stack resilience, but fear that it reduces effectiveness of certain abilities gained through being crit. Resilience won't interfere with you popping enrage!

    Of other note, the devs have been looking at threat generation closely and we continue to get harder numbers and data regularly. It is possible changes to threat generation are down the road. When I hear more, so will you.

    • Any effect which benefits the victim of a critical strike will now trigger even if resilience converted the attack from a critical strike to a normal strike; this applies to melee, ranged, and spell. The affected talents, abilities, and items are: "Eye for an Eye", "Blessed Resilience", "Enrage", "Martyrdom", "Blood Craze", "Eye of the Storm", and "Bonespike Shoulder".

Look, he even made his own "pop Enrage" joke. See? He's one of the good guys (I'm a big believer in "don't shoot the CM"). One more comment from him:

  • Threat generation is being watched as it compares between warriors and druids. I've said this has been of priority and interest to the devs before and it still is. Group and Raid environments play out differently and this can affect the look of things as far as competition goes. When changes to warriors come down the pipe, there's a good chance the devs will be tweaking threat generation before anything else.

This is good news, of course. I haven't been on the tanking end of the current Warrior vs. Druid vs. Paladin controversy, but I have healed for all three as tank in 5-mans, and I have to say, if I was forced to rank them, Warriors would come out low, especially for multi-mob tanking. This is clearly not right.

Thoughts, on resilience changes and Warrior threat?