
Bluetooth, WiFi and FM on a single chip -- oh my

One of these days we'll see a single-chip solution that implements WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0 and even the obligatory FM radio receiver all into once nice, tidy package. Oh wait -- that day has come. Broadcom wants to garner more business from OEM handset manufacturers apparently, as it is trying to solve the dilemma of ever-shrinking handset internal real estate by stuffing in as many RF solutions into a small, single chip as possible. With both WiFi and Bluetooth hovering in roughly the same radio frequencies, Broadcom has assured everyone that both wireless technologies won't be interfering with each other based on an on-chip algorithm to prevent such a radio fuss. And hey -- that FM radio is prime as well -- no reason to leave that off the chip, right? Broadcom's solution here features IEEE 802.11a/b/g along with Bluetooth 2.0 and full-range FM reception to boot.