
Analyst #198744365 says: PS3 will blast rivals away in Europe

To answer your question, yes, we really did count every analyst up to this point. What do you think we do in our off-time anyway? In all seriousness, The Times have released an article stating this fun point: "Sony is expected to sell up to 1.5 million of its PlayStation 3 consoles in Britain this year, putting it on track to outstrip Nintendo's cheaper Wii within 12 to 18 months of its launch." Hmm, in all of Europe, sure, but in the world? Maybe not so much.

But perhaps it will apply to the whole world. Anaylst Nick Parker from Screen Digest said this about the PS3's launch and expected sales: "The lack of shortage is supply driven; what Sony has shipped will sell. We estimate that Sony will sell around 4 million units in Europe this year, with 1 to 1.5 million in the UK." Well, that's a pretty noble target to be estimating. Not that we take these guys' word as law, but do you think this is a plausible outcome? Will the PS3 sell over 6 million units before year's end?