
Power up your alarm clock with He-Man and friends

We have to admit, after having seen software engineer Douglas Gray lovingly transplant the heart of a He-Man Talking Alarm Clock into one of Sony's ubiquitous Dream Machines, that maybe we were a little cruel when we performed all sorts of horrifying childhood experiments and unnecessary surgery on the most powerful man in the universe and his MOTU posse. Nonetheless, we've got the old power of Grayskull flowing through our veins again, maybe even enough to follow Doug's step-by-by step guide on gutting the salvaged toy and wiring it to the buzzer output of Sony's cube. Yeah, waking up to He-Man and Teela rapping about Skeletor every day for the rest of our lives seems like appropriate penance for dismembering poor Man-at-Arms and using a magnifying glass to scar all three visages of Man-E-Faces. Sorry guys.

[Via MAKE]