
U.S. government frowns at Chinese counterfeiting

Nintendo sent us out a press release today, commending the U.S. government for its strong stance against piracy in the Chinese market. Nintendo has said that they strongly support the U.S. Trade Representative who is currently seeking consultation with the Chinese government, who have lately been in breach of the World Trade Organization obligations pertaining to intellectual property protection and enforcement. China has been responsible for over 7.7 million counterfeit video game products over the last four years, as 300 factories and retailers have been seized by the local authorities during those years.

"Nintendo will continue to work with the U.S. government while aggressively pursuing counterfeit Nintendo products in China," comments Jodi Daugherty, Nintendo of America's senior director of anti-piracy. She goes on to say "We're pleased the U.S. government is pushing China to comply with its trade commitments in an effort to protect the lifeblood of the copyright and trademark industries." In 2006, estimated losses to Nintendo, as well as others in the gaming industry, reached the $762 million mark.

See also: The NCC allows the Wii in