
More Halo 3 beta talk and Halo 2 news

The latest Bungie Weekly Update brings us a few more details about the Halo 3 beta and talks about the changes going on over in Halo 2 land. First, let's jump into the beta news. Frankie further clarifies his clarification about the new X button "Equipment" function. The X button will pick up and drop equipment items like the bubble shield and tripmine (others items may be in the works), but not "throw" them. So, they'll be items on a map that have to be picked up like any other weapon and once dropped ... they'll activate. Also, the bubble shield will allow people to pass through it, but stop bullets and grenades in their tracks. It's also interesting to note that the bubble shield will be "breakable" and stationary in the beta, not rolling once dropped. For those of you who are overly excited about Halo 3's recording function, it'll be available in the beta, but in a stripped down version only.

And before we forget, there is plenty of Halo 2 news to be read about various problems, the new matchmaking structure, and information on the new maps. Again, we can't recap every jewel from the Weekly Update, so it's your fanboy duty to make the jump and read it all. Quickly, jump!