
Scratch that: The Xbox 360 might damage discs after all

As if the Red Ring of Death wasn't already a frequently discussed part of Xbox 360 lore that Microsoft would rather avoid discussing, bubbling to the surface is another issue we've been hearing about for a while -- the Xbox 360 Ring of Disc Death. Dutch consumer advocacy show Kassa tested Xbox 360s (video after the break) and proved that the Xbox 360 does indeed scratch discs. A Microsoft spokesperson says a previous statement in Europe has some "nuances" lost in translation when it was converted to English.

Joystiq received from Microsoft their official statement, "Due to the fact that we did not participate in the experiment done by Kassa and have little insight into the methodology that was used, we cannot comment specifically on the outcome. While we are aware that discs can potentially be scratched through normal wear and tear, we have not received any widespread reports of the issue highlighted here. There are millions of Xbox consoles in use today and we know that the majority of our customers are having a great gaming experience. That said, it is important to us that all of our customers have the best gaming experiences possible, and these claims are obviously very concerning to us. We encourage any Xbox customer who believes that their discs have been scratched in the same manner as identified by KASSA, to contact us at or 1-800-4-MY-XBOX for additional information. We will examine the console and make appropriate repairs if necessary in order to restore the console to full working order, as well as provide customers with information on how to obtain replacement discs should they need them."

We'd previously reported that it's best to keep your console horizontal. Kassa reports that the problem is created by the TSST drive missing parts that stabilize the disc and prevent the drive's lens from coming into contact with the disc. The problem is mostly found in consoles produced in Dec. 2006, and the show estimates that 1 to 2 million units are affected.

[Via Engadget]