
Mamma wants an iPod baby

Just a few more weeks until Mother's Day. If you're an FanBoi Dad looking for a special way to spice up your FanGirl Mamma's special day, here's an absolutely adorable way to go about it. For only $16.95, you can buy long sleeve or onesies iPod baby outfits. The outfits are available in white, blue, pink and black and are sized at 6-12 months, 12-18 months and 18-24 months. The website says to allow 5 days for US delivery and 10 days for international delivery.

Go on, tickle that click wheel--and check out this gallery of iPod babies while you're at it! Sure gives a new meaning to the TUAW tag "iPod family", doesn't it?

[Via the delightful GeekSugar]