
Team works to send Sam Fisher back to high school

Want to see schoolyard fights end with a lot of broken necks? Well, if you happen to be a student or alumnus of Deer Valley High School in Antioch, California, then you can. Project SC-DV is making the school into the central setting of their version of Splinter Cell, which runs on a heavily modified version of the Unreal Engine for Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.

Hopefully it won't lead to any arrests. Although you'll be able to sneak into the girl's locker room, you won't encounter any students, or teachers for that matter. According to their site, "Project SC-DV has absolutely NOTHING to do with the environment of a high school, nor does it have any relations to students or staff of the real life Deer Valley High School campus. In no way can you see nor hurt anyone that has anything to do in relation to the campus."

Check out their site for more pictures, which look fairly impressive so far. We'd like to see some side by sides to compare them, but as far as amateur projects go, this ain't bad.

[Thanks, Einhanderkiller]