
God of War 2 rips out its art ... at gallery this weekend

Looking for something highbrow to do with your significant other and still get your geek on? Nucleus, located in Alhambra, California, is holding The Artists of God of War II exhibition this Saturday, May 12. The gallery will present half-God of War II art and the other half features the six artists' personal work.

Ryan Ito of Nucleus tells Joystiq, "The art show is a chance to see behind the scenes, to see what art goes into making a video game ... We just want to show art can be appreciated by people that enjoy fine art. It's not just a video game, there is extensive concept art that goes behind video games."

The reception is from 7PM until 11PM and admission is free. The artists will be signing copies of The Art of God of War II book and you can purchase a copy for $29.95. There will also be a raffle, prizes, but Nucleus makes clear to state that this is not a God of War promotion, it's an artist promotion and art show. That's a subtle way of saying dress appropriately. There will be complimentary drinks, a DJ and Nucleus says goats are a "maybe." They're kidding, no goats ... "maybe."