
Bungie's Betalicious Halo 3 video

The day has finally come. No more massive leakage, no more jerky camera videos, because Bungie has officially lifted the veil on the Halo 3 beta by offering up a video of their own. Over on (and kindly embedded above) is nearly four minutes of Halo 3 beta action. It's complete with lasers, shooting, explosions, jumping, equipment items and is a sight to behold. But there is a point to their little video other than just showing off beta in all its glory. The video is also meant to feature Microsoft employee MrJukes (who has the prestigious honor of logging the most Halo 3 alpha/beta games to date) and all his Halo talent. And so, if you're interested in more than the video, posted a little interview with MrJukes after the jump. But back to the official video. Did we mention that the entire video was created using Halo 3's saved game feature? Oh, did we mention that seeing a Mongoose fly 20 feet in the air over the main entrance simply by driving over a portable gravity lift made us wet ourselves? We didn't? Well, yeah ... it's that good.