
Springtime in Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon series isn't known for its great technological achievements. However, Innocent Life pushes the visual allure of the franchise to new heights. The developers have taken advantage of PSP's impressive power, and have crafted a game filled with a surprising amount of visual splendor. It may not be the best looking title on the handheld, but it's quite possibly the best looking Harvest Moon game to date.

Each season in Innocent Life is brought to life by fine details. Fall, for example, is painted with beautiful shades of orange and brown. The falling leaves certainly add a great deal of charm to the title. Winter looks especially gorgeous when the impressive snow effects start taking over. The particles fill the screen, adding a dream-like feel. However, spring is quite possibly the best time to farm in Innocent Life. The trees are blooming, and flower petals can be seen falling down. The plethora of cherry blossoms make spring time in Harvest Moon a truly relaxing time. Check out more images, after the break.