
Nespresso Lattissima offers up one-touch cappuccinos and lattes

Stopping by your favorite java shop on the way to work each day can get relatively pricey (and frustrating if you simultaneously roll in with the other half of the city), and while the Nespresso Lattissima can't exactly read your mind, it apparently does one mean latte with just a single button press and a moment of your time. According to SingleServeCoffee, the stunning machine sports a "one touch fresh milk froth function" and also boasts an auto clean mode, detachable milk and water reservoirs, adjustable cup platform, and a twin pump heating system. Moreover, the device can reportedly crank out a cappuccino in "less than one minute," while a latte macchiato takes just 80 seconds. Slated to hit stores this fall, the mostly automated coffeemaker will come in a satin chrome flavor with integrated cup warmer for $799, while the less pricey red and black versions will save you a Benjamin at the expense of that built-in warming feature. Be sure to click through for a video that's so good, you can almost smell it.

[Via SingleServeCoffee, thanks Jay]