
Happy Memorial Day from X3F

Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S., which usually means fun in the sun and plenty of time spent with family and friends around the nearest barbecue grill. Yes, it's a day to share stories, jokes, potent potables, and large hunks of grilled meat. Should you find yourself in this situation, we hope you have a grand ol' time. Just remember to keep your Xbox away from any open flames. Honestly, the 360 gets hot enough by itself. Come to think of it, if you don't have a grill (or a PS3), you might be able to cook up some tasty vittles on the 360*. If you can pull yourself away from all the tasty food and drink, maybe you can even find some time to fit in a videogame or two. Whatever your plans are, X3F wishes everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day.

*Under no circumstances should you use your Xbox 360 to cook food. It's for gaming silly!