
Apple blocking MySpace from store machines

Late last week it was reported that Apple is now blocking access to MySpace pages from computers in the Apple Store as a means of preventing cyber-loitering. Apparently some 'customers' have been hogging both the iSights and the bandwidth the stores provide and impeding the free flow of shiny, glossy, well-designed commerce.

As I am neither a teenager, the parent of a teenager (thank mighty Isis!) nor an indie-geek-folkie musical sensation, the MySpace phenomenon has largely passed me by. I did attend a meeting once where MySpace CEO Chris DeWolfe was presenting, and I recall thinking that the News Corp buyout had enabled him to get himself some REALLY nice shoes. I imagine the collective 'talk to the hand' from Apple retail will bother the MySpacies a little bit, but I doubt it will reduce either company's cool factor dramatically.

[via ThinkSecret/CNET Crave]