
Podcast Rodeo for June 10: There's A Tear in My Ear

As you can see, the old man died tragically in a fire, sacrificing not only his life but his bitchin' Grados for a stock clip art iPod in the blaze. But hey, the Rodeo continues to bravely soldier on without him. Audio ahoy!

The Weekly Geek: We were originally going to write something mean about TWG after host Chris complained about being not included in the Rodeo. Infuriatingly though, we ended up really liking the show, spoiling our plans entirely. If you like to hear grown men ranting about Shrek, we think you'll like it too.

Press Start: After an extended absence, Ky-Ky Baby (Mr. Orland if you're nasty) and his harem of two game experts talk about the slow decline of the retail games industry. To some of you? A relief. To the more materialistic of you? An 18:48 horror show. Listen at your own peril.

The Totally Rad Show: Some podcasts do more than tickle your tympanic membrane, they offer a visual component as well, like our dear friends at NooBTooB. The official scientific term for this is "visuaudio vlogcast." The Totally Rad Show goes one better by appealing to which ever of your senses recognizes Die Hard tributes. We think it's your radical sense. Also in this episode of TTRS: Discussion of the Onimusha movie, retro games and Patrick Dempsey.

The Hotspot: In this episode: Why you can't be hardcore unless you staple game boxes to your face and wrestle other people and break florescent lighting tubes over your Xbox 360. The whole show isn't about this, but we almost certainly could listen to a whole show about it.

Video Game Show: Tom, one of the show's hosts, talks about his work helping to get Shadowrun out the door. It's really interesting, if you've ever wondered what crunch time on a game is like. Also, maybe you won't feel so bad about dropping $60 on the thing, considering a little bit of that cash is going into Tom's pocket. Maybe.

So, there you go. We guess you know the drill by now, comment below to give some suggestions of your favorite podcasts, or to share your thoughts on some of our selections this week. If you've mentioned your podcast before and we have not yet gotten to it, WE'RE SORRY. But we will, if, you know, it's not awful.