
Sony Ericsson unveils headsets and GPS addon in Berlin

Of course nothing complements a bevy of handset announcements like a similarly sized list of accessories, and Sony Ericsson has done itself proud today in that regard. Headsets -- both Bluetooth and wired -- were the order of the day with a smattering of GPS, desk stand, and FM transmitter thrown in for good measure. The HBH-DS200 is a pretty standard Bluetooth headset fare with shirt clip, a 3.5 mm jack to let you swap in your own cans (fantastic feature if you have a nice set at home) and up to 7 hours listening time; it'll ship in box with the W960. The HPM-90 is a wired set but has a unique display on the cord that lists incoming caller info and track title. Third and last in the headset lineup is the HPM-83, yet another wired headset but it eschews the standard earbuds for a behind the neck-style headband and large ear pads. Also on the music-related front is the MMR-70 FM Music Transmitter which broadcasts the tunes from your handset via FM to your car or other radio and the MDS-65 Desk Stand that charges, acts as an antenna for the radio, and will even play back your music with its built-in speakers. But the best in show may be the HGE-100 (pictured above left) which can connect to any Java-enabled K800+ handset and does double duty as both GPS navigation and headset.
