
Turn your smartphone into an iPhone-wannabe

Stuck with your current smartphone for the remainder of your service contract? Tied in with business? Just can't wait 'til June 29th to get some of that iPhone-y goodness? No worries: Andy Ihnatko has you covered. In his Thursday column for the Chicago (go Cubs!) Sun-Times, Andy lists numerous ways to turn your multi-touchless Phone of Yesteryear into a genuine 'iFaux.' Included in the list are apps like Pocket Tunes (music app), Pocket Player (video app), Opera Mini (browser app), Google Maps (uh, map app), and a swanky service called SimulScribe that gives you a psuedo-Visual Voicemail feature, sending your voicemails to you as text (plus an audio attachment) via e-mail.

Check the fully skinny, and enjoy Andy's trademark humor, in his full article on the Sun-Times site.