
Recipes on your iPhone

We here at TUAW are big fans of Apple's products (shocking, I know) so whenever something new comes out we cover the heck out of it. At the moment the new hotness, as the dorks who desperately want to sound cool say, is the iPhone. TUAW is all atwitter about the iPhone (though you can subscribe to an iPhone-less feed if it isn't your thing) which makes sense since it is a rather important product launch for Apple.

We're not the only ones going batty for the iPhone, though. Blogs, newspapers, and magazines are all hot and bothered about the iPhone. Case in point: 101cookbooks. That's right, a cooking blog is writing about the iPhone, but that's not all. They even created new, iPhone specific versions of their site for everyone's favorite unreleased mobile device. You can check out the recent recipes, or categories on designed for the iPhone webpages.

Who needs a silly old SDK anyway?

Thanks, Marisa.