
Apple answers your questions about the iPhone

There is no denying that the hype surrounding the iPhone is... well, a bit much. We here at TUAW are as guilty as anyone for contributing to it, but I would point out that it is our job to obessess over Apple (and we do it so well!). All the blame for the hype shouldn't be placed squarely on the tech media though, it is clear Apple is egging us on by slowly releasing information about the iPhone as we get closer and closer to launch (in contrast, Microsoft would have had all this information about the iPhone available the first day it was announced... and no one would have cared).

The newest news from Apple is this iPhones Questions and Answers section on It answers some typical questions about the iPhone like what OSs the iPhone will work with (Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and OS X), can I used my existing iPod accessories (maybe), and what kind of headphones can I use with it (most standard headphones should work). However, the most exciting thing for the iPhone crazed is the above picture. That's the first clear picture of the iPhone accessories that Apple will be making. We can see the Dock (which included a space for recharging the Apple bluetooth headset), the Apple Bluetooth headset, and the iPhone charger (which looks just like the iPod charger. Sweet!).

Thanks to everyone for sending this in.

Update: Engadget has confirmed that the dock seen in the picture is included with the $120 Apple Bluetooth headset.