
Telekinesis puts your Mac desktop onto your iPhone

Talk about cool. Alan Quatermain read about Telekinesis over at Daring Fireball and tipped me about it. It's a new OS X program from the creator of QuickSilver that serves your computer up as webpages. Load the iPhone remote software onto your Mac and you can use your iPhone to access your camera, your files, and even see your screen. It's new and just a wee bit buggy ("Really. Alpha. Don't expect it to be pretty. Or work.") but it already shows great promise. The screen shot here is off my Mac, but the same functions are available directly on the iPhone.

Unfortunately, my Macs are so firewalled up that I can only use it in my house, but it worked well during my limited tests using my in-home network. This is probably a good time to re-check out a service like No-IP.

Thanks to Alan Quatermain.