
Guildwatch: The other side

Attumen sure talks a big game, doesn't he? But just like all the other little dominoes in Karazhan, he falls down easy when you push him hard enough. Lots of guild are finishing Karazhan by now-- so next week, let's see some big Gruul kills, ok?

For this week's dose of drama, downings, and recruitment, just hit the link below. And send your own tips (please!) to Always knew... someday I would become... the hunted.


  • So last week we mentioned Departed on Whisperwind-A-- an anonymous tipster had told us that their GM wasn't letting anyone into the Karazhan raid who had alts in other guilds, resulting in bad raids for all. This week, the GM sent a long, long, loooong reply to our inbox, which I'll (you'll thank me) summarize for you: he calls the tipster (apparently, they're not so anonymous) "an embittered ex-member," who was "very needy," and apparently pulled his alt out of the guild after multiple issues, at which point the GM kicked his main. And the warlock friend who got a prime spot? Apparently the GM says "a better lock I could not have for Karazhan"-- his gear and gear are both worth it, we're told. "Would any other GM," our GM says, "have done different?" More to the story than meets the eye, I guess.

  • Acta non Verbi of Gurubashi was formed over three weeks ago, and like many other guilds, they marched into Karazhan with the best of intentions. Unfortunately intentions don't mitigate damage at all, and they had to leave without finishing off a single boss. They took a few weeks' break, and unfortunately, a bunch of impatient members /gquit while waiting for the return. The good news: they've since geared up, gone back in, and now, in just three days inside, they've cleared all the way up to Prince. Nice job.

  • An anonymous tipster from Final Rites on Stonemaul-H tells us the funny story of an ambitious warrior named Axelord. Apparently, the GM took over his Karazhan team, and Axelord was replaced as main tank. Unhappy about the decision, he quietly applied to another guild, and when the GM found out, Axelord got kicked (apparently the Guild Charter says "no applying to other guilds"). And on top of that, Axelord's application didn't work out, so the other guild passed on him too, leaving him guildless, and the main subject of talk in FR's Teamspeak channel for a while. Since then, Axey has found a guild of his own. I think there's problems on both sides of this drama, though-- why didn't the GM just form his own group and let Axey maintank his own?

  • The rumors say Fedex, one of the highest progression guilds on Thunderlord-H, has broken up for good.

  • And if you haven't read Elizabeth's great story about Nightmares Asylum on Smolderthorn-H, do so ASAP. Now that is some great drama.


  • The Chosen Angels of EU Thunderhorn (who want to let you know once again that they're the Angels, not the Angles) have cleaned out Karazhan. Oh, and after they did all that waxing and washing, they also killed all the bosses too.

  • Obsidian Guard on Lightbringer-A rolled into Karaville and downed Midnight (above), Moroes, and the Maiden. Grats!

  • After Life on Killrogg EU finished off Karazhan by killing Nightbane and Illhoof, and then did a conga line from top to bottom (not kidding-- there were sounds on TS apparently). Now they're looking for more to go to Gruul.

  • ShadowBlade of Skywall-A saw their team 2 (a.k.a. the Weekend Warriors) also clear Karazhan.

  • Rotten Apple on Feathermoon-H also had team 2 finish off Karazhan, and they even ran through Gruul's on their first day-- killed High King second try, and Gruul on the third. Very awesome.

  • Ruthless on Ysera-A says "Nightbane went down and the repair bills went up"-- they're now going to be repairing the Nightstaff of the Everliving and the Talisman of Nightbane. Grats!

  • Burning Twilight of Feathermoon-A has had both Kara groups down Prince, and have also dropped Nightbane and Netherspite.


  • Shinsei on Kilrogg-A is recruiting for the end of Kara and Gruul's Lair-- they're looking for shadow priests, as well as healing druids, priests, and paladins. No healing shamans? Trust me, man, you're going to wish you had Chain Heal when that Shatter comes around.

  • Cereal Killers (winner of this week's Best Guild Name award) of Scilla are looking for healers/priests/mage, or really anyone who wants to come help them clear Karazhan. No annoying kids, they say, so that rules you out, Jamie Kennedy. Man that guy annoys me.

  • Mayhem on Anvilmar-A is an alt guild that's seeking more members. This is cool: all their guild chat is done in a seperate world channel, so all the members can speak whether they're on alts or not.

  • Thrilling Heroics, who we mentioned last week, but forgot to link their guild page (sorry about that), is looking for healers and tanks for endgame.

That's it for this week's GW (apparently lots of guilds have found their sweet spot, as we had almost no recruiting news this week). Remember, to get your guild in here next week (or tell us about some juicy drama you've heard), just sent a tip to Until next week, happy raiding!