
Etch A Sketch will sketch its way onto the XBLA

In what has to be arguably one of the oddest XBLA game ideas to ever come to fruition, Indian developer Game Shastra announced that they will be working on an XBLA version of ... Etch A Sketch. Yup, Etch A Sketch. It's the same red bordered, white knobbed, shaky-shake artistic device you played with as a kid, but now on your TV and coming to the Arcade. We aren't sure when or how Etch A Sketch will land on the Arcade, but we're almost certain that the game will not require shaking your HD television back and forth to erase the screen. Because that "feature" would so result in HD TV pieces scattered all over the floor. Anyway, full and completely interesting Etch A Sketch press release is viewable after the break.

[Via Xbox 360 Rally]