
Taking a look at the Arena team finalists

Just yesterday, Blizzard announced which Arena teams will be participating in the tournament at BlizzCon. And in the hours since, players on the forums have been scrutinizing their team makeup and trying to determine what it might mean. Poster Alairia jumps in informing us of the class breakdown on participating Arena teams:

  • 8/8 teams have a Warrior

  • 8/8 teams have a Paladin

  • 7/8 teams have a Shaman

  • 5/8 teams have a Mage

  • 4/8 teams have a Priest

  • 3/8 teams have a Warlock

  • 2/8 teams have a Hunter

  • 1/8 teams have a Rogue

  • 0/8 teams have a Druid

And poster Perplexia brings us some slightly more informative percentages:

  • 25% of the players in the finals are Warriors

  • 20% of the players in the finals are Paladins

  • 17.5% of the players in the finals are Shamans

  • 12.5% of the players in the finals are Mages

  • 10% of the players in the finals are Priests

  • 7.5% of the players in the finals are Warlocks

  • 5% of the players in the finals are Hunters

  • 2.5% of the players in the finals are Rogues

  • 0% of the players in the finals are Druids

While you can certainly brush off these numbers as personal choice of the teams involved, it does seem odd that when eight of the top Arena teams in the world get together, they have no Druids among them. The breakdown suggests that some classes simply aren't viable in Arena battles. But what's your take on these numbers? Are some classes simply a liability in 5v5 Arenas -- or is it just that the teams who happen to be the best of the best have a fondness for Warriors?