
Caption This!

A new week is upon us -- and that means it's time for a new caption contest! All we're asking you to do is submit a great caption for the above screenshot (click for a higher-resolution version) in our comments, and in return you get a chance to win a 60-day gamecard (first place) or an AFK hat from J!NX (second place). You've got until Wednesday at 11:59 PM EST to come up with your caption, and on Friday, we'll be asking you to vote on your favorites to help us decide on a winner!

Now, for the legal business: this contest is only open to US residents of age 18 and up. I'm sorry if this excludes you, but our legal team says we just can't run a more inclusive contest. And with the option of doing contests for some of our readers or doing contests for none of our readers, I pick the former. For full details, please check out the official rules.

: I'm afraid our entry period has come and gone -- but we'll be voting for winners on Friday, so check back to let us know who your favorite was!