
Even at $199, Rock Band: SE for 360 lands on Amazon's bestseller list

Remember all that talk about how Rock Band would have a hard time selling those pricey accessories? Apparently, it won't be so hard after all.

The Xbox 360 version of Rock Band Special Edition -- including the game, a drum set, a guitar and a mic -- for $199 is crowdsurfing in online retailer Amazon's bestseller list for video games. As of 8:00 p.m. ET yesterday, it was ranked 10th, though it was 4th place as recent as yesterday afternoon, reports Punch Jump.

On the list of Xbox 360 bestsellers, the game currently ranks 3rd; for the PlayStation 3 bestsellers, that version is currently ranked 9th. While not as great as Best Buy's $60 screwup, it certainly beats Gamestop's previous $300 estimate (now also at $199).