
System update 1.93 is out now [updated]

While it doesn't really do a whole lot other than fix the bugs you may have encountered from version 1.92, a new software update has been released for the PS3 and you should download it. If you can't get on the network to even download the update, there's always the option of sticking it on a flash memory and uploading it directly.

From what we saw at the PlayStation forums, that doesn't seem to really be an issue for anyone yet, but it may happen if you're somehow locked out of all things internet-related. Well, enjoy being able to play Warhawk again, if you were hit with the bug!

[Update: the servers seem fairly unstable at the moment, so if you're in no big rush, it's probably a better idea to wait until the morning to download the update. It's not necessary, just saves you a bit of trouble if you keep getting a network error.]