
Simpsons, Conan on Xbox Live Monday, Monday, Monday

Monday, Monday, Monday! At home right on your 360, Microsoft dishes out two demos -- a double dose of pain that'll rip out your guts, blow your mind, and leave you burned beyond recognition. The Simpsons Game, fresh off its appearance on the PlayStation Network and getting publishers' panties in a bunch, drops all 442.71 MBs right on your hard drive, with complete disregard to public safety. (Oh, hey, the achievements list still mentions Grand Theft Scratchy?)

Then its time to get barbaric with Conan. Rated M for Mature, the ESRB says this game contains "BLOOD AND GORE, INTENSE VIOLENCE, AND NUDITY." You can't take this game home to your mom, because it'd tread all over her face! Demo Monday, Monday, Monday! You'll pay for the whole controller, but you'll only need the edge!