
A special after-school game

Konami's Houkago Shounen (After-school Boy) is targeted directly at gamers' sense of nostalgia. The adventure game, set in 1975, casts the player as a young elementary student one month before he moves away, doing the best he can to have as much fun and spend as much time as possible with friends before saying goodbye.

The game features a town to explore, with childhood haunts like parks and candy shops, as well as a school (obviously) and a shrine. Time with friends is passed playing minigames-- the examples given by Famitsu include an eraser racing game and menko.

The subject matter and easygoing tone of the game draw immediate comparisons to Sony's Boku no Natsuyasumi (My Summer Vacation) games. Also similar to the Bokunatsu series: the low possibility of a localized version.