
Halo 3 spawns juvenile mother puncher

We know intense sessions of Halo 3 tend to bring out the worst in the players susceptible to bouts of anger, racism, homophobia and mental ineptitude, but a TCPalm news story still manages to surprise with its tale of a boy launching a melee attack on his own mother. According to the report, the parental units made the grievous error of informing their son that he had to say goodbye and goodnight to Halo 3 for the evening. When the youth failed to comply, the parents removed the "aircard" (we had to look that up) from the console, resulting in a disconnection from the internet and apparently, civilized behavior.

The report states that the youth responded by searching the house for the device, punching his mother and then locking himself up in his room. After the unimpressed parents rang the police and pointed deputies to the door, "the juvenile allegedly responded with profanity," presumably some variant of "GTFO noob deputards lol." In-between unlocking the door and finally slapping on the handcuffs, the youth managed to append one officer of the law to his dubious list of punched authority figures.

[Via CVG]