
The Daily Grind: Not there and repeatedly back again

"I think I'll cancel for awhile, why the heck not?" We've all shared that brooding thought at one time or another when it comes to our favorite MMOGs. Take your pick from the reason tree: the game cleaves your brain matter with boredom; various lovers to herd, or the one significant other to placate; the expansion or patch won't be out until the end-of-days; real-life aggro's and it slays your played time; thousands of others. Eventually, you're back trundling about in that same MMOG again. It can be a brutal, and yet, hilarious cycle.

I think my break and return record is probably around a dozen times with EverQuest. I was finally able to drop it for good when a shiny alpha invite popped up in the mail one day inviting me to a new magical enchanted land called WoW. Admittedly, not to make this post a debate between which MMOG is the best, I suffered a huge case of burnout -- raiding tastes like burning after you eat it for a few years no matter what MMOG you play.

How many times have you taken a break from a MMOG only to return again later? What were your reasons? Did you actually quit for good only to return later for a specific reason? "They fixed my class! Count me back." 10 months later a flurry of nerfs strike. "I'm out!" Good times.