
Palette lunchware app customizes Leopard dock

In honor of the holiday weekend, when many of us overate ourselves into food comas, I'm coining a word to describe a class of shareware apps: "lunchware," those programs inexpensive enough that you could buy them for what you might otherwise spend on lunch. If it's less than $12, it's lunchware, so Cocoamug's new Leopard dock customization tool Palette meets the standard (€6.90, or about $10.20). For less than the cost of a burger and a beer (at least by NYC prices) you can get several Leopard interface tweak tools in one little app.

For those who have followed Mat's previous posts on drawer-izing the Dock and creating your own custom drawer icons, Palette lets you quickly swap your own drawer icons in for your stacks (or downloaded icons from a pro) without any messing about. You can also turn dock transparency or 3D effects off, change your Dock or menubar colors, and turn off the dreaded menubar transparency. The unregistered version leaves a little palette micro-icon on your drawers to remind you to register.

via Cocoia -- thanks Sebastiaan