
Summon Night 1 and 2: The other, other simultaneous RPG remakes

We recently learned via scans that the first two Summon Night RPGs were being remade for the DS, joining other tandem series remakes like Dragon Quests IV, V, and VI, and the simultaneously (but separately) releasing Ys I and II. These two Summon Nights, rather than coming out on the same day, will be a few months apart, the first planned for spring and the second for summer.

They are, however, being promoted and previewed in concert, with Famitsu posting separate screenshot posts on the same day. That's ... actually a bit strange, in that the preview for the second game talks about all the improvements that were made over Summon Night, like being able to select your character's sex, and what looks like an improved map view. It's just slightly awkward to hint about a game's relative obsolescence in an adjacent piece.

Read - Summon Night
Read - Summon Night 2