
iPhone PS1 emulator nears beta phase


Sometimes emulation is less about functionality and more about 'look at me -- look what I did!' PlayStation emulation on iPhone falls into the latter category. While the excitement of booting up Snake's first solid adventure on your iPhone can't be denied, actually setting your thumbs upon the screen to control 18 distinct commands (8 directions, 4 face buttons, 4 shoulder buttons, start, and select) is gonna be a chore -- good luck even getting a glimpse of the action. Nevertheless, ZodTTD, the developer behind the 'gpSPhone' GameBoy Advance emulator for iPhone/iPod touch, is hard at work on the 'psx4iphone' emulator. While there's still much work to be done, as current pre-beta screens attest (see above), Zod claims a beta could be rolled out in a matter of days depending on demand ... and donations, no doubt.

The target is to have psx4iphone compatible with 75% of the PS1 catalog, which "may not include your favorite game." So would it be asking too much to request DualShock support?

[Via Engadget]