
Microsoft points are now giftable

Okay, we take back our previous last minute holiday gift idea, because this is the ultimate last minute gift.

Just launched the other day is a brand new online Windows Live feature that allows you to send and receive Microsoft points for use on Xbox or Zune accounts. But, there are a few stipulations. Currently, the gifting of Microsoft points digitally can only be done between US Windows Live accounts and you must know the Windows Live ID (not gamertag) of the person you are giving points to. Though, if you fulfill those requirements, giving the gift of Microsoft points is as easy as signing into your account, clickity clicking and BAM! Instant gift. We're not sure how much we'll use this (we enjoy giving tangible Microsoft point cards and we simply do not remember Windows Live IDs), but it's still a jolly good online feature no matter. Oh, and we'll give out our Windows Live ID if you ask ... you know, just for information sake.

[Via Major Nelson, Thanks to everyone who sent this in]