
The Daily Grind: Your New Year MMO resolutions

From all of us here at Massively to all of you out there, we'd like to wish you a Happy New Year! For today's Daily Grind, we thought we'd ask the question just about everyone else is undoubtedly going to ask today; what your plans are for MMO gaming in 2008?

For me personally, I have a fairly short list.

  • Check out as many new MMOs as is humanly possible. I can't help it -- I'm a genre addict. Luckily with such a good first quarter full of new MMOs shaping up, this shouldn't be too hard.

  • Spend more time with my home guild in World of Warcraft, even if it's just making raids once a week. -- Oh, and finally get that freaking epic flyer I keep waffling on bothering with.

  • Put more time into the games I'm currently playing and try to hit endgame with at least one character in each game. (Where such thing is possible, anyway.)

  • Try to enjoy as many end-of-beta events as is possible. (Those are always a lot of fun!)

  • Branch out and check out some of the older games I haven't seriously tried beyond the initial phases.

  • Dig up some more up-and-coming games that we can all check out together.

I'd give you my short list of games that I plan to check out, but to be honest, that would probably be pushing the wall of tl;dr a bit. How about you? What are your New Year gaming resolutions? Anything on the radar for 2008 that you just can't wait to try out? Any games you're absolutely going to avoid like the plague?